REAL PROPERTY: Deeds of Trust Have Priority Over Later Recorded Use Restrictions
In a July 2016 real property opinion, the Missouri Court of Appeals addressed one of the many issues associated with non-judicial...

First National Bank of Dieterich v. Pointe Royale Property Owners’ Association, Inc.: Lessons from a
Suppose you are a small community bank that, after months of default and incurring significant legal expenses, has just foreclosed on and...

On May 18, 2016, President Obama announced the publication of the United States Department of Labor’s final rule updating overtime...

Challenging Detroit’s Recent Barrage of Unpaid Property Tax Collection Lawsuits
Only weeks before the 6-year statute of limitations was set to expire, the City of Detroit (the “City”) filed nearly 600 suits seeking...

Kim v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.: A Complete Victory for Mortgage Servicers? Maybe not…
In 2012, the Supreme Court of Michigan issued an opinion in Kim v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (“Kim”). The primary focus of the decision...

The Texas Supreme Court recently delivered two significant decisions concerning the home equity provisions of the Texas Constitution. In...

Shareholder, Bev Weber, selected as one of Kansas City Business Journal's Women Who Mean Busines
Martin Leigh PC law firm is very proud to announce that Bev Weber has been selected to the 2016 class of The Kansas City Business...

New Jersey Mortgagee In Possession Issues
Strapped for cash while years-old foreclosure cases languish in the New Jersey Court system, Homeowner and Condominium Associations are...

Two Recent Missouri State Court Decisions Rule for Borrowers in Wrongful Foreclosure Actions- Impos
In Holm v. Wells Fargo and Freddie Mac, Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District No. 78666, the Missouri Court of Appeals addressed a...

Proof of Claim Bar Dates in the Southern District of New York
For a creditor, the “bar date” in a Chapter 13 case is an important deadline. It is the date by which a creditor must file its proof of...